Tonglushan Mine, Edong, Daye, Huangshi Prefecture, Hubei Province, China
20.3 x 7 x 10.6 cm

Layered, complex, and all-around dramatic large specimen from a limited one-time find in 2012-13. On top of a sulfide matrix you have intergrown chalcocite, partially replaced by djurleite (both copper sulfide minerals), later coated with a layer of iridescent chalcopyrite, and topped off with accenting colorful and lustrous calcite. When looking at the purple, blue, and green tendril-like growths, they look alien and organic, and there's just nothing else like them in the mineral world. The calcite crystals are large for these combo pieces and give nice contrast with their orange to red color caused by iron oxide inclusions. The back sides are also almost completely covered by a layer of glittering calcites, so this presents great from all angles. This assemblage is simply extraordinary and, may it need repeating, unparalleled in appearance. Given its size and composition, there's very minor damage and it takes a closer look to notice. Specimens from this location are scarce on the market nowadays, and I'd easily rank this as one of the best to have come out of the entire find. Offered at a very affordable price, and comes with a custom lucite base to properly exhibit the piece.