Mundo Nuevo Mine, Huamachuco, Sánchez Carrión Province, La Libertad, Peru
11.8 x 8.7 x 7 cm
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Excellent combination piece of hübnerite, fluorite, and quartz out of the Mundo Nuevo mine in Peru. This particular combination of minerals has only ever been discovered at this one mine, and I'm not sure if I've seen one so attractive - very unique in the least! A well-formed crystal of hübnerite measuring to [] cm protrudes out of a large piece of fluorite. The fluorite consists of multiple generations of octahedral growths, with color zoning ranging from light pink to white. It's also etched all around, giving it a gorgeous, satiny sheen. Under the most lenient conditions many would consider it a floater - not really by my book, though it essentially looks as if it were. Sharp, clear, and undamaged crystals of needle quartz protrude all around, giving it extra dimension, and there's even a few growing right from the backside of the hübnerite. The specimen is complete and undamaged all around and displays beautifully
from every angle.