Ojuela Mine, Mapimí, Durango, México
10.6 x 6 x 8.5 cm
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Set within red-brown host rock, multiple vugs are filled in with a rich covering of bright green cuprian adamite, as well as some well-crystallized calcite to the side. The banding of these pockets run in a way that appears very symmetrical. Both sides of the piece display well, with the back also displaying crystals of cuprian austinite with a subtle color and more elongated habit.



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Cuprian adamite and austinite from the Ojuela deposit occur within oxidized zinc-arsenic-copper zones of this limestone-hosted ore body, where they form as late-stage minerals in open spaces and fractures. The crystals display characteristic prismatic habits reaching 1.5 cm, with cuprian adamite exhibiting distinct blue-green coloration due to copper substitution, while austinite shows pale green to yellowish tints reflecting varying zinc-calcium ratios. Both species commonly occur as parallel growths and epitaxial intergrowths, suggesting contemporaneous formation under oxidizing conditions. The minerals precipitated from arsenic-rich solutions derived from primary sulfide oxidation, with fluid composition variations controlling the relative proportions of zinc, copper, and calcium incorporation into the crystal structures. Local pH conditions and carbonate availability influenced the distribution and crystal development of these secondary arsenates.