Huanggang #4 Mine, Hexigten Banner, Chifeng City, Uleanhad League, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China
17.5 x 11.5 x 11.2 cm
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Grandiose display of the contemporary classic material known as blueberry fluorite. Botryoidal crystals run all along sharply contrasting white quartz, with a pristine 5.5 cm cube nestled in the middle of the arrangement. Cubic growth of fluorite is more uncommon from this locale, even more so with cubes of this size. This whole cluster is so amazingly three-dimensional it almost pops out at you from the shelf! The whole face of the specimen is in excellent condition, there's only some contacting on the back and sides from where the specimen was extracted (two of the quartz crystals are incomplete on the back). Of the many pieces I've seen from this locality, there's not a single one I've seen with the same combination of size, balance, and flair, and it easily stands out as the best I've seen from these extensive workings. It's worth noting that the camera really doesn't pick up on the true color of the specimen, the crystals are more blue-green than they appear in the photos.