In the small world of Turkmen minerals, celestine reigns supreme! Samples like this, showing colorless, glassy, tabular crystals on a matrix colored red by hematite were unearthed in the 1990’s, and now rare on the open market. Here the coverage of crystals, including some on the backside, as well as their elegant form makes this a beautiful cabinet addition. All around in great condition, with some non-detracting edge wear.
More info:
The Beineu-Kyr celestine deposit occurs in Upper Jurassic anhydrite-bearing sequences. Primary mineralization consists of stratiform celestine bodies within anhydrite-gypsum units. Diagenetic recrystallization produced void-filling celestine aggregates displaying prismatic to tabular crystal habits. Mineralizing fluids originated from connate waters, with strontium derived from surrounding carbonate sequences. The deposit exhibits characteristic features of evaporite-hosted celestine, including nodular textures and association with sulfate minerals. Crystal dimensions typically range from 2-8 cm. Paragenetic sequence indicates celestine precipitation preceded late-stage gypsum formation. Fluid inclusion data suggests formation temperatures of 40-60°C under low-salinity conditions.